Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 38

First off, just like whenever there is an important holiday coming up, I make a shout out. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I hope you have an awesome day and that you get to relax a little!

So, this week was the last week of the transfer, which is always a little sad. One of the elders in my apartment is heading home and it's weird to see people at the end of their missions! He is an incredible missionary, 2 years in the making, and now he's headed out to start the rest of his life! It's interesting to think about because part of me thinks "He can't leave! He's put so much effort into this and he's gotten so good at it, why leave now?!" but after 2 years of serving, I can understand a little bit. It also helped me see how a mission prepares you for the rest of your life! He really does have a great base for the rest of his life! I just have to keep working harder and harder so I can get to that point too! But I guess that's how our entire lives are haha

I had an exchange with this missionary this last week too, and I learned a lot! I hope I'll be able to apply the things I learned. I'll do what I can! During the exchange, our companions were together (so, it was two missionaries who had been in Europe for 6 weeks doing missionary work together) and they saw a miracle! They were knocking doors, and a woman let them in! And she was very interested because her mother had recently died and wanted to know about God's plan for his children. So they got to teach her a lesson together and we're going to try and keep teaching her!

We also taught a girl this week who comes to our ward because her mom is a member, but the daughter isn't. We went to their house and taught a message about the restoration, but she already knew all about it! She doesnt believe in God though, so that's definitely what our next lesson will be about! Prayer and faith!
In other news, the tram system in Charleroi works now! After not running for 25 years haha but I guess that isn't big news for anyone but us here in Charleroi haha.

Oh, the picture of my district this last transfer!

The numbers represent the number of transfers we've been out. The "6" is actually supposed to be "16" haha
Well, this next transfer is gonna be awesome because we're gonna make it awesome! I hope everyone of you makes the next 6 weeks awesome too! And no matter what, keep praying!

I promise that next week my email will be a little more interesting haha

Elder Daniel Anderson

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