Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 41: Another Travel Week!

So, this was a big travel week! And it's still going! Well, now that I'm back from a little travel today, it'll be a little calmer for a bit.
Last P-Day, our ward mission leader took us to do a cool activity! It was a bicycle rail riding thing hahah the pictrues will make it easier to understand haha basically we rode a bike contraption on a railroad track! It was awesome!
This was our weapon of choice.
And this is how it went haha
We saw some cool stuff along the way!
This is where we ate lunch.
This house is for sale! So if there are any takers, let me know! haha
It was an awesome day! Patrick, our ward mission leader, is great! It was super nice of him to take us!
Then the next day, I had exchanges with Elder Stucki, one of the other elders that lives in my aprtment, and we were working in my area. It went really well! We taught a few lessons and I had a great time getting to know Elder Stucki!
This is nearby where Elder Stucki and I knocked some doors haha
On my mission, I've given the Church's How to Stop Smoking Program to 2 people. And the two people have taken it different ways. It was interesting to see how one took it, read it, understood it, but then decided to only do and follow parts of it. The other person took it, read it, understood it, and committed to follow it exactly. The first person is still struggling to quit, while the second person has been going strong for 2 weeks and even has introduced the program to their neighbors and is quitting with them too! When I compare the two examples, it's obvious that it's the same with everything in the Gospel! We're given the guidelines, and whether we really apply them or not is how we end up with the results that we get! It was a really eye opening experience for me!

This week I also went to Paris, because my companion had to do his legality, so while he was doing that, I paired up with another missionary and we had been given a missionary scavenger hunt to do by the Assistants! So we headed out into Paris for the day! It was awesome!

No big deal.
Eiffel Tower
Me again
Some weird monument...
My mission!
It was a really exciting day! And it was amazing how many Americans and members of the church that we met! We're everywhere....haha

I have to wrap this up, but we've been doing a lot of less active work lately, and we've been seeing miracles! I'll write about them next week! People are just coming out of the woodwork and it's awesome!

I hope you all have an amazing week! Keep being awesome!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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