Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 44: Transfers

It's that time again! Transfers this week! Exciting news to come!

So, during this past week, I knew that my family was on vacation. Yeah, maybe I felt a little jealous, but what about it?! I still put in work! I still need to throw out some shout outs, like Happy Birthday Grandpa!!! I hope it was an awesome birthday! And also, congratulations to Katrina, Aaron and Zach! I wish I could have been there for the baby blessing! I'm sure it was awesome :)

It might sounds like I miss home a little bit right now, but don't worry, people are taking good care of me here, that's for sure!

They feed us good over here! The other half was for my companion haha
This is the Tricot family, they're super nice!
This last week, we got a text from a recent convert named Jhon. He seemed a little worried about something and wanted to meet with us pronto, so we hurried over to the park to talk to him. He seemed like something was on his mind and so we shared a spiritual thought with him, and then he opened up. We were prepared for the worst, and then he says "I'm really nervous, because I want to bear my testimony on Sunday, but I'm not sure if I'll be brave enough to do it." What a relief! THAT I can help with! We gave him a good pep talk and he was ready to go! That was a little miracle that happened this week for us :)

Oh, I also went on an exchange with Elder Stucki this week, one of the Elders that I live with. It was awesome! He's gotten to be one of my really good friends out here, so I'm pretty sad that he's being transferred. But I'm sure that I'll see him again before the end of my mission haha so no worries!

So, transfers. We got the news! And....I'm staying in Charleroi! For a 4th transfer! I'm actually pretty pumped about it haha I like it here! I'll be getting a new companion though because the companion that I just trained is being transferred to another city. That's kind of sad too, but I know he'll have a blast!

I know I don't have a lot to say today and I'm sorry! I promise that I'll write more next week! Oh, and I'll have more pictures too haha don't you worry!

Have an awesome week, and I hope you're all praying and reading your scriptures every night! It's important!

I hope you all have an awesome week!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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