Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 51: Livin' In Paris

Well, I'm in Paris! You know, living that life of a missionary. It's definitely a lot different here! It's not what I was used to before, but I love it! I started my mission in a small ville here in France (Poitiers, which is now no longer in my mission, but in the southern France mission) then I went to Charleroi which was a pretty good sized ville, and now I'm in Paris. Sure, we only have a part of it and the suburbs around it, but it's a whole lot different than anything I've done before! My life has definitely gotten busier!

It was sad saying goodbye to everyone in Charleroi, and seeing people cry is never my favorite things, but it was time for a change. The Lord needed me somewhere else! The transfer went fine, and it was exciting to get to my new ville! My new companion is Elder Lamb, he is from Utah, and he is awesome! He's super funny and we get along great! I'm really excited about this transfer!

I don't have any pictures this week because I forgot to bring the stuff with me, but next week I'll put them up! We started this week by doing some renovation on a house! Not bad, right? We didn't do a TON, but that's impossible in one day. It was a cool experience though! We were doing service for a member, and she was so thankful! And she fed us really well afterwards!

On Friday we had mission council, which was a long meeting for all the leaders. It was a really good meeting! I sure learned a lot and I'm excited about the miracles that we're going to see in our mission! After the meeting, we headed back to our area because we had a sports night planned, but I didn't play any sports haha I sat and talked with a less active member that gave us a ride. He is super awesome and I was really happy that I got to talk with him!

After that was a lot of planning, a lot of missionary work, and the church on Sunday! I got to meet a member from Thailand that we knew when we lived in Thailand, so that was super cool! Church was great, as always, and I even got to go up and introduce myself and bear my testimony!

We're going to be having an exciting week, so I'm looking forward to it! I hope you guys all have an awesome week too!

Keep it real and keep working hard!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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