Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 54: Exchanges

This week I went on a couple exchanges that were awesome! The first one was with an elder that used to be an assistant to the mission president, and him and I already knew each other. It was an awesome exchange and we got a lot done! We taught 3 people, and one of them was a man with a baptismal date! During the lesson we asked him if he had been reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it, and he told us that he had been doing it, and that he received an answer to his prayers. We waited with our breath held, and then he said that he knew that the Book of Mormon was true. Whenever he is tired, something always urges him to read it, even if it's just a little. He said the way he feels in the church makes him know that it's true and it's where he belongs. It was an incredible meeting! He's getting baptized this Saturday!

We also had a first lesson with a man named Max, and he loved the lesson! He said that he wanted to know for himself what our church teaches, and he loved the teachings. He had already read a little in the Book of Mormon and he was excited to come to church too!

My next exchange was with Elder Nelson, the new missionary in our apartment. It was really good! While we were on our way to a lesson, our tram randomly got stopped, and no one understood what was going on. So we all got off the tram and waited for the next one. We called the man that we were going to visit to tell him we would be late, and then got on the next tram. While walking to the appointment (across a bridge over the Seine River), we saw a man that seemed to be looking at us as he walked past, so we stopped and talked with him. Turns out he is a member and was baptized 2 years earlier, but went inactive soon after because things got hard in his life. He said that he had been praying for help recently and he knew that God had put us in his path that day while he was walking home from work. That tram hadn't kicked everyone off for nothing! Maybe it kicked everyone else off for nothing, but not us!

Also this week we taught a bus driver while he was driving the bus haha and he decided he wanted to meet with us more, and the lesson went really well! We're really excited to keep teaching him!

On Saturday there was a baptism of a girl who found the church online, met with the missionaries for a year, and is now 18 and got baptized! She invited 10 friends to her baptism that weren't members! It was awesome!

One Sunday at church, guess who came. The man we met on the bridge on the way to our appointment! It was his first time coming to church in a super long time and he was so happy to be there! He had been in a different ward before, and so it was his first time at our ward too. He's just awesome!

Well, those are the highlights of the week! I hope you guys have an awesome week! Keep making good decisions and being the best you can be! I'm off to see a little bit of Paris haha

Elder Daniel Anderson

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