Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 10: I'm ALIVE

It's been a while huh?! Sheesh I haven't gotten to write an email in forever! Sorry! A lot has happened in the week! I hope that someone got an update about my last week; my mission president should have sent an email with a picture of me if I'm not mistaken. Oh, and hopefully some of you received stuff in the mail from me...for some, a lot haha :) If you didn't, be checking the mail! :) Anyways, my journey!

The plane ride was fine, long but bearable. Then we landed in Paris. Crazy. it was a nutso feeling! This is where I would be serving for 2 years! I would be speaking this language! (hopefully sooner than later haha) The President Poznanski and his wife welcomed us, and they're super nice! Then we headed to Paris! 

There is a small LDS chapel in Paris, just in a building, so it doesn't look much like a church. But guess what its down the street from. Notre Dame. Okay, not exactly down the street, but down the street and right around the corner. 5 minute walk. So we headed there! Eventually you will get pictures haha. It was so awesome! We did some proselyting around Paris that day; then headed to the mission presidents house. We talk trains everywhere, and on the train we met some ladies from Morocco who invited us over for food because we reminded them of their children haha. We had to decline because we had to go to bed. We went back to the mission home, chit chatted a little bit, and got ready for bed. Pictures of that will come too haha.

The next morning we headed back near Paris, to what the mission calls Consecration Hill. It was just a park...next to a castle, the birth place of King Louis XIV, and over looked all of Paris. It was pretty amazing. For anyone that will come pick me up from my mission or who will come with me here some other time; I've got a whole list of places to take you already! Get excited :) You'll get to see it all! Later that day, we did more contacting in Paris, went inside Notre Dame, and then found out where we would be serving and who would train us. Drum roollll please....


And my trainer is Elder Argyle from Pleasant Grove, Utah! Poitiers, France is near the middle of France, and one of the southern most parts of the mission. They must have known i come from a warm place, because they sent me to one of the warmer areas! But its still freezing here haha. SO. IMPORTANT. My new address is under this line. I'll be here for months, so please mail everything from now on to this new address :) If you've already sent stuff, don't worry; I'll still get it. This new address will just be faster :) and I'll get anything that was sent to the mission home (the old address) around Christmas time :) The address:

Elder Daniel Anderson (be sure to use my name like that because in France it has to have the right name on it that matches the mail boxhaha)
15 rue des Arènes Romaines
86000 Poitiers

We do a lot of contacting here. Street contacting, door knocking, the usual. I havent been able to do a lot because I'm realizing just how bad I am at French haha okay not THAT bad, but I have a ways to go! I'm doing what I can :) We have also taught some people! It's really cool to get to know people and see how there are so many different kinds of people! I have also eaten some stinky French cheese haha. I just had a baguette, cheese, and cured ham for dinner haha so as you can tell, I'm getting fat! NOT. All this walking is keeping me in shape! For real! So don't worry about that ;)

Oh, and some info on dearelders: if you sent me some dearelders the weekend before I left the MTC, I never got them :( And I'm not sure when I will get them...I think they'll be brought to the mission home at some point, but I don't know when. So, if you have a desire to write me a lot, find a stash of money and send me letters frequently to the new address :) If you're reading this, there's probably already something headed your way from France :) And more to come! Speaking of that. Christmas presents. I haven't been able to get any to send yet! So they'll be late :/ Sorry! I'll send some though! No doubt :) Probably little stuff, but I'm doing my best!

When I was in Texas, Sierra showed me this cereal that was like chocolate filled and she said she really liked it but didn't want to eat too much of it because she didn't want to get fat (like that would ever happen. Do you know who Sierra is? If you do, you know THAT'S crazy. She doesn't need to worry about that at all! :) ) Well, I guess Sierra would think I'm gonna get fat ;) They have Trésor cereal here with nutella flavoring in the middle. I eat them every morning. But, I'm not fat yet! I've lost weight haha that's what happens when you walk 1000 miles a day haha.

I was thinking today that I wish I had learned more guitar before I left. I should have taken the great opportunity to jam out more, and learn from people I know who can play! Hopefully when I get back they'll be willing to help me out :) I'll be a good student, I promise!! And I'd love to listen to all of the songs you write until then! :)

Well I've gotta go back out in the cold! I'll be emailing again about the same time next week, and let me know when you get the letters from me so I know how long they took to get there haha. Thanks for all of your prayers! They really do help!
à bientot!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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