Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 12: We're Still Here!

The world didn’t end! We're still here! Pretty sweet! Now we have even more time to be awesome! So how was everyone’s week? I hope it was awesome, because mine was pretty cool haha I'm not bragging, I'm just sayin!
So, last week we were teaching an investigator, and it was the first time that we had gotten the chance to meet with him. We taught him the lesson, had a discussion with him, and gave him a Book of Mormon. We asked if for the next lesson he would read the introduction and the testimonies of the witnesses. Aaaaan then he started reading, right then and there! We weren’t sure what to do, but we let him go ahead and read if he was gonna read! So I just read the same things in my French scriptures and tried to understand the best I could. Then, once he read everything up to the start of 1 Nephi, he said that he was definitely going to read, but he was going out of town. It was awesome though, and we're definitely going to see him again.
Everyone here that we're teaching has gone out of town for the holidays, so that has made our main goal finding! But we didn’t have as much time as usual to do that this week because we had a crazy schedule...
Last Wednesday I had to go back to Paris to become legal here in France. We rode the train for a while, showed up in Paris a little early, so we hit up the Eiffel Tower, no biggy. Say whaaaat?! It was pretty nuts. We didn’t go right to it, but I have a picture you can see! (if emailing it works haha) Then I went to do my legality thing, medical exam stuff, and then got some crepes and headed back to Poitiers.
On Thursday was Zone Christmas Conference, so we were on trains going to Angers for the conference. It was kind of hectic, and definitely the first time I have ever run a mile in a suit while carrying a sandwich in one hand and a 30 pound bag in the other. It wasn’t pleasant, but we made it to the train! I should probably hit the cardio more...
The Christmas Conference was awesome! President Poznanski and his wife taught us a lot and we watched a bunch of clips from the movie Iron Will. Anyone seen it? It's a pretty sweet movie! I'd seen it a bunch of times before haha I'm pretty sure my parents have it if you want to borrow it :) We watched it because it was part of our 2013 goals for the mission. Then we had a little grub and a white elephant gift dealio where they just randomly gave the gifts out and you opened whatever you got. I got a mug, and it was obvious that a sister had brought it because it was actually a decent present haha
I've also met some very interesting people! When you go knocking on doors, you have no clue who could be behind the door, so you have to be ready for anything! If I had more time, I would share some stories, but I'll just send those in letters :)
We had a Christmas party at the Church! There were some games, and singing (in French, so I kinda didn’t get a lot of it haha) and then we had some food, and it was pretty good. They definitely like chocolate here, so that was probably my favorite part haha don’t worry, I'm watching my belly! haha ;)
So, it's Christmas Eve! We're going to 2 members homes today, and then 1 tomorrow. It'll be exciting to see what kind of grub they have! I'm excited haha
Oh, shout out to Cole Martin, congrats on getting called to serve in the Washington Everett Mission! That's so awesome! I know you'll be a great missionary!
Oh, another shout out...kinda haha it's a super good book you should read! It’s called The Broken Heart by Bruce C. Hafen. It's an inspiring book and I liked it a lot! And if you happen to have my copy of it, hopefully you don’t mind all the sloppy markings in it haha sorry! :)
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Have an awesome time and always make the best of it! If I were there, I would do the same with you, but I'll try to do that here too! I'll be thinking about you today and tomorrow and throughout the holidays. I miss you all a ton! Eat some American goodness for me! I'll give you a heads up on what I eat in my next email haha
Joyeux Noel! Don’t forget to smile! :)

Elder Daniel Anderson

Your Christmas present!  PICTURE TIME!!
In the MTC with my teachers: (L-R) Frere Portwood, Frere Magre, Frere Corbett, Soeur Scott
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President Zimbelman (my branch President at the MTC) and I
Last Sunset at the MTC
Notre Dame with the other Elder Anderson
View from the front of the apartment in Poitiers
View from the back of the apartment in Poitiers
Giant Christmas tree in Town Square that is right by our apartment.  We walk by it everyday.
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In front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
The table at the Christmas Conference grub time!
You should be getting some more pretty soon I hope! Haha

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