Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 32: Mother's Day and Transfers

It's been an exciting week! A lot of different things happened, and I got to do some cool stuff too!
Cool stuff like what? Like calling my family on Mother's Day! There were a few other cool things too, so we can start with those haha

I had an exchange this week and I was a little worried about it. Why? Because I was going to be with a Tahitian elder who hardly spoke english! I would have to speak frnehc the whole time! Well, it worked out! It was actually pretty great, and we were able to talk the whole time! So thank goodness my french skills are at least where they are haha but that doesnt mean I still dont have a lot to learn! I definitely will keep learning, and I'm being put on the fast track for it too! I'll explain that a little later haha

After the exchange last week, we also got to see our ami Jean-Pierre, and that went well. He still has the desire to be baptized, and he wants to change his life! And he is already starting to! We're really excited for him and I'm excited to keep teaching him!

The other two kids that we're teaching are doing well too, they come to church every week and they're always excited to see us! It's funny because now I'm one of those missionaries that kids love to run up to and talk to haha. My companion and I are both like that!

As everyone knows, Sunday was Mother's Day! It was a great day at church, the men in the ward here sang a song for the women, and then the Primary kids did a little program and everyone loved that more than the men singing, but we cant compete with cute kids! Then after church, it was time to call our families! It was awesome to talk to my parents and my brother and to see them on skype (my call at Christmas was on the phone). It was cool to just chat and talk like old times! I love that my family gets along so well!

Then last night I got a call on the phone, and it was the assistants telling me that I'm going to be staying in Charleroi and I'll be training the next 2 tranfers! Ai karumba! Hopefully I can handle it! I know that if the Lord thinks I can do it, that I'll be able to. So I'll be headed to Paris this Wednesday to pick up the new missionary! I'm excited, nervous, and little scared, and then also sad to see my current companion go, but I know that I'll just need to put in all the effort I can and set a good example for my new companion!

My district this last transfer
Elder Burgess and I in a shopping center here haha it was under construction, but still open!
I dont eat these super often, but I should probably still cut down on it haha
 Just a funny sign by our Ward Mission Leaders house haha
I hope you're all doing awesome! I little spiritual lift for me this week was Alma 58:40, you should read it! Despite all the other distractions and problems in life, we can always remember the Lord is there for us!
Until next week! Keep it classy! And keep being the best you can be!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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