Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 34: Service Week

This week was a pretty packed week! Packed full of activities and stories! Although not in the correct order chonologically, first I'd like to announce that I'm now AN UNCLE! Aaaah yeah! I've got a nephew! Zachary Aaron Reinert is his name and I'm pumped! Just thought I would throw that in first. Pictures will come next week.

Now back to the beginning of last week. Last Monday, all the elders in Charleroi went with our ward mission leader, Patrick, to see some cool places! We went to Denant, Belgium, which is famous for a few things.

A big cathedral there, it's super tall!
It's the birthplace of the saxophone!
Just me chilling with the guy who invented the saxophone, nbd.
On our way up to the fortress!

At the top!
We walked all through the fortress
And it was like we were in war!
Then I decided to dance. Check it!

So that was last Monday! Then on Tuesday we ate at a member family's home, and it turns out that their daughter was super excited to talk to us because she had served her mission with one of my teachers at the MTC! What a coincidence!

Wednesday was the start of our service! We went over to our ami Jean-Pierre's house and helped him set up his satellite dish haha it was hard! And we ended up not getting the angle right...good thing he has two twin daughters who want to watch tv really badly, because after we left they went out, gave the satellite dish a couple good whacks, and now it works great! haha

Friday, the bishop needed us to come help with some people moving in our ward, so we did even more service! It went really well and they were really thankful for our help. Then that night we went to another member's house to help her move some stuff into her car, because she's handicapped and because she really wanted to feed us. And man it was good haha

Saturday was "Les mains serviables", or "Helping Hands"! It was a huge activity where we collected food, clothes, and had a blood drive at the chapel. It went great!

This is where we did all of the organizing and folding of the clothes haha
These are all the missionaries in Charleroi! And a member that I pulled into the picture haha
It was an awesome day! And the local news came and filmed us for a little while too haha. It was an awesome activity and a great success!


This last week, our mission president mentioned that we can invite our investigators to come to church, and promise them that if they write a question down and bring it to church, that it will be answered. Cool promise right? Well, I decided to try it for myself haha and you know what? It works. I was kind of skeptical, but I paid attention to the lessons and talks and to the thoughts that came to my mind, and I got multiple answers to my question! So my challenge to you, is to do the same thing this next Sunday! And every Sunday!
Well, it was a fantastic week, and now my new week has started with news of me being an uncle, so I'm pretty excited!

I hope you all have an awesome week!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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