Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 47: Awesomeness

This week was an awesome week! Why? Well, I've got some explaining to do!

To start off, I mentioned last week a man that came to a ward BBQ and he also came to church last week. We had an awesome lesson with him and he prayed for the first time in his life, and right afterwards he said that he felt very relieved and good. Well, if that wasn't awesome enough, he just keeps getting better! He had come to church and asked if he could have a copy of Gospel Principles (because we used it in class), so we gave him one. Well, he has read a ton of it and loves it! And he loves coming to church! He told us that he agrees with the Word of Wisdom, and without us even teaching it to him, he had already stopped drinking tea! He had read up in Gospel Principles, he's been praying, and he just loves the church! So in our last rendezvous with him, we asked if he would be baptized and he said yes! Then he said it again at church yesterday, so things have been going preeetty good over here! Maybe this is why I've been kept in Charleroi for so long! Interesting point: Dogan lives in a house that we have knocked before. I had knocked it with Elder Burgess when I first got here. Well, apparently Dogan just barely moved there a couple months ago, so that's why we didnt find him sooner! But now we've found him and thigns are going great!

This last week we also went over to a member's house to eat and it was delicious! The Dad works for the bus system here, so he gave me the bus driver uniform clip on tie! It's a cool one for the collection haha. Oh, and then a girl gave me a little heart cut out that she made...she was 5 years old haha.

We gave a lot of blessings this week, and people were very appreciative. It's amazing to see the power of the priesthood and also the respect that people have for it.

Jean Pierre is back! We finally got to see him again! It's been a little over a month now, but he's doing pretty good! He's found some friends, so he's doing a little better and he said that he's going to get his car in working order soon so that he can come to church! We're really hoping for the best for him!

We got a couple member referrals this week that were incredible! They were given to us from two families that we have been helping to strengthen lately, and now they are sharing the Gospel with their friends! THAT is what missionary work is all about! Our prayers have definitely been being answered!

I was sick on Saturday, which was a bummer. Then yesterday I had a migraine. Then today I woke up with a sore back haha but I'm okay now. I'm falling apart! Okay, not really haha I'm doing good now, don't worry! But even with those set backs, we were still able to get a lot done! Nothin's gonna tear me down!

A little scripture for the week, I read 3 Nephi 19:23 this morning and it was awesome! Christ prayed for everyone who would believe in the words of the apostles, so that means he prayed for us! That's some good motivation if I've ever had any!

Here are some pictures that I've taken recently!

Check it out! I'm back in Texas!
 And now I'm in England...
And now I'm in a hurricane haha
Okay back in Europe at a members house haha
I hope you're all doing great! Keep working hard!

Elder Daniel Anderson

Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 46: Baptisms Are Always Great!

Yep, baptisms are always great! And we got to see one this week! This last Saturday the sister missionaries here had a baptism in our ward! The girl's name is Forgive and she is 20 years old. She's from Ghana and her mom is wanting to get baptized in a couple weeks too! It was an awesome baptism and everyone was so happy! It's amazing to see the change in people's lives and how when they really apply the Gospel fully, that they REALLY DO see the blessings! That's something that I got to learn in my life, and it still amazes me when I see the same changes in other people! The Gospel is true!

So I kind of just told the most exciting part of the week, but there were still a couple other cool things that happened!

We had our district meeting with the whole zone this week, so we went to Liège again! I don't have any new pictures haha sorry! But to remind you, it was the place with the super cool train station haha. The meeting was super good! I learned a lot and it really inspired me to want to do the very best that I can! I love meetings like that haha that's what they're for! The assistants also came, and that was cool to get to know them a little bit. One of them grew up with my last companion, so that was fun to exchange stories!
This week we also had a BBQ! Say whaaat? In Belgium? You betcha! And it was pretty good! Not exactly the same as back home, but it was still pretty good!

We had invited a lot of people to it, but other than a few less actives (who came!), no one else had said that they would come. The day of the BBQ we had a rendezvous set up for 11, but the person wasnt there. It was a fake address haha oh well! We had only walked for half an hour in the rain haha. So then we decided to head to the BBQ because we had gotten a call that morning from someone that said they were going to show up! An ami! So he showed, said he couldnt stay long but he wanted to talk to people and see the church. Long story short, we taught him the first lesson, answered questions that he had, and taught him to pray. And then he prayed for the first time in his life. Right afterwards he let out a sigh and said "I feel so...relieved. I think there is something to this." YES! So it was an alazing rdv! He also came to church on Sunday and loved it! We have another rdv with him this week and hopefully some more after that! Oh, en plus (french for, "and there's more") he already knows some people in our ward from work! Just perfect!
Just chillin at the church eating some meet!
So, it was an awesome week haha and we're really hoping it just keeps getting better! I'm still here in Charleroi for a reason! And I'm gonna find it!
Just a couple pics from this week:
Look at the second floor window...weird huh?
This is my attempt of taking a picture when it was super sunny and still raining haha
I hope you're all doing fantastic and that life just gets better and better as you make it that way! That's the best way to do it! The grass is always greener where you water it! (yep, I just used that reference haha)

Elder Daniel Anderson

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 45: New Companion

Well, my "son" is gone. He's been transferred away and left me here. I'm not bummed that I'm staying, but it was sad to see him go! He's awesome, and I know he's gonna do awesome things on his mission! So, I had thought that I was leaving, so we made sure we took pictures with everyone. So here are some!
This is our "amis class" at church. We teach Gwendoline right now, and Jhon is a recent convert!
This is me with the "most interesting man in the world" and his family! They're super awesome!
After saying all of the goodbyes, we headed to Brussels so that my companion could catch his train, so of course, it was picture time again!
This was a phone charging station that was long as you made the energy yourself!
This is Elder Staples, I've known him for a long time!
It was sad to see Elder Stucki leave too, he's one of my good friends on the mission now!
So, after they all got on their trains to leave, I had to wait in the train station all day waiting for my new companion. And guess who I saw?
The branch president from Poitiers and his wife!
They had been on vacation and just happened to be at the train station at the same time as me! It was an awesome surprise!

My new companion is Elder Young and he's from Rigby, Idaho. He's a cool guy and we're hoping to see some awesome stuff this next transfer!

We were able to teach Gwendoline this week after she got back from vacation, and it went okay. We're still trying to figure out how to motivate her to apply all the things that she has already learned about the Gospel!
We received a ton of referrals this week, which was super nice! We're hoping that those all work out pretty well! We also have a BBQ at the church this week, so we went around inviting everyone possible to it! We're really hoping that there is a big turn out! I know I'll be there!

I know this was kind of short and to the point, and I'm sorry! I just ran out of time! Next week I'll give more updates!

Keep it real, and stay strong! And enjoy this next week!

Elder Daniel Anderson

Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 44: Transfers

It's that time again! Transfers this week! Exciting news to come!

So, during this past week, I knew that my family was on vacation. Yeah, maybe I felt a little jealous, but what about it?! I still put in work! I still need to throw out some shout outs, like Happy Birthday Grandpa!!! I hope it was an awesome birthday! And also, congratulations to Katrina, Aaron and Zach! I wish I could have been there for the baby blessing! I'm sure it was awesome :)

It might sounds like I miss home a little bit right now, but don't worry, people are taking good care of me here, that's for sure!

They feed us good over here! The other half was for my companion haha
This is the Tricot family, they're super nice!
This last week, we got a text from a recent convert named Jhon. He seemed a little worried about something and wanted to meet with us pronto, so we hurried over to the park to talk to him. He seemed like something was on his mind and so we shared a spiritual thought with him, and then he opened up. We were prepared for the worst, and then he says "I'm really nervous, because I want to bear my testimony on Sunday, but I'm not sure if I'll be brave enough to do it." What a relief! THAT I can help with! We gave him a good pep talk and he was ready to go! That was a little miracle that happened this week for us :)

Oh, I also went on an exchange with Elder Stucki this week, one of the Elders that I live with. It was awesome! He's gotten to be one of my really good friends out here, so I'm pretty sad that he's being transferred. But I'm sure that I'll see him again before the end of my mission haha so no worries!

So, transfers. We got the news! And....I'm staying in Charleroi! For a 4th transfer! I'm actually pretty pumped about it haha I like it here! I'll be getting a new companion though because the companion that I just trained is being transferred to another city. That's kind of sad too, but I know he'll have a blast!

I know I don't have a lot to say today and I'm sorry! I promise that I'll write more next week! Oh, and I'll have more pictures too haha don't you worry!

Have an awesome week, and I hope you're all praying and reading your scriptures every night! It's important!

I hope you all have an awesome week!

Elder Daniel Anderson