Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 60: Activities

Well, this week actually had quite a few activities that we were involved in here in Versailles!

First off, with the Work of Salvation program, we've been trying to get members a little more involved in missionary work. A major way that we've been doing it is trying to have Family Home Evenings at members homes. Well, we had a member call us up a week and a half ago to ask about it. He was a member who was in the Antony ward, and he just moved to the Versailles ward! My companion and I both know him really well! He said that him and his wife just moved into the ward boundaries and wanted to have the missionaries over, and he was surprised to find out that it was us two! So he invited us over for last Monday night. The day before going to his house, he told us that he was inviting 3 non member friend over too! What an awesome member! Seriously, it was such an awesome experience and we had such a great time! We had good discussions and the member was so happy that we had come. He even said he would be doing it again so that his friends could get to know us even better! That really was a miracle for us!

On Wednesday we were invited to a Young Men's activity, so that we could get to know the young men. Of course, it was an eating activity haha. It went great and we had such a good time getting to know each other!
On Saturday, my companion and I went to the chapel to prepare it for a baptism. It was a baptism for an 8 year old girl from another ward. The father was so thankful for our help and there were some little miracles that happened (like figuring out how to work the projector haha) and the baptism was fantastic. It was such an awesome experience, and we even got to talk to a lot of non member friends and family members that they had invited to the baptism! 

We lost our car this week. Haha okay, we didn't lose it, we just gave it back. This week we gave a few senior couple missionaries rides home at night, and that made us feel good because they were so thankful for our service.Also, a new senior missionary couple arrived here, and we picked them up from their hotel to bring them to the mission home. We lost our car because the mission was trading in the car that we had for a new one, and then giving the new one to the senior couple haha. It's okay though, because we'll be getting another car soon.

We haven't got a whole lot planned for this week yet, but I'm sure it'll be as eventful as we can make it! And that's how your week will be too! Make it the best that it can be!

Oh, and have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We're going to be celebrating a little bit here haha we're having a meeting with our zone where we'll eat some Thanksgiving style food (rotisserie chicken, veggie platters, mashed potatoes, stuff like that) and then talk a little bit, and then back to work! And Thanksgiving night we're going to be doing splits with members of the ward here to visit less active members! What an awesome way to spend Thanksgiving! Plus, it'll help me keep my figure haha

Have a great week! And remember who you are! Haha and keep warm!

Elder Daniel Anderson

Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 59: Exciting Week!

This week was a very exciting week! But at the beginning of the week, we had no idea that it was going to be so exciting haha.

Early this week we went to visit a recent convert in the ward. Her name is Emelienne. She is SUPER nice and she loves the missionaries! She was baptized a few months ago. She lives with her son who isn't a member yet, but when we went to visit her, he wasn't there. Turns out, last week he was in the parking lot in his car, but forgot something in the apartment, so he left the car running, ran up to the apartment, and when he went back down, his car had been stolen. So, he had to move in with a friend closer to his work. We ended up talking to her about not letting challenges in life bring us down and to work with what we've got and deal with whatever comes our way! And never lose faith! It was a super good lesson and I was thankful that we had it too. Also, we learned that no matter how safe something might seem, we should never let our guard down! Because someone might steal your car! haha and it has a great spiritual analogy that can go along with it too!

On Thursday we visited a less active member, and she has been having a rough time in her life lately. We invited her to come to church and she came! And she brought her 3 kids too! It's always great to see that, especially when the member testifies themselves of the importance of church in their life.

Later on Thursday, we found out that we would be having 2 general authorities come to visit Paris haha on Saturday! Not a lot of notice, but the mission made it happen! Not the whole mission was invited to come, because that would have been too complicated, but the 4 zones around Paris came. It was at our chapel in Versailles and so we were in charge of setting up and ordering all the food haha. The conference went so well! The general authorities that came were President Osguthorpe, General President of Sunday School, and Brother Ridd, Second Counselor in the General Young Men's Presidency. We went up to shake their hands before the meeting and Brother Ridd asked me where I was from, I said "Katy, Texas" (instead of just Houston, like I normally do) and he immediately asked who my stake president was, and he said that he knew President Allen because Brother Ridd had lived for 11 years just off of the Katy Freeway and Highway 6! It was super cool to talk to him! Then the conference was really great and they talked to us about real intent, desire, decisions, and determination. It was awesome!

Yesterday there were 2 baptisms at the Versailles chapel, but neither one was for our ward. One was for the Antony ward though! So my companion and I had been put in charge of making sure that the baptismal font and the building were all ready for the baptism, so we got to stay for it! There was another big meeting that was going on in the chapel, so we had to have the baptismal service in a smaller room. It was awesome to see the missionaries and the members that I knew when I was in Antony! The man who got baptized was SO happy to be baptized and to start his new life! It was such an incredible baptism. While we waited for him to change his clothes after the baptism, we sang hymns together in the smaller room that we had. Everyone was so happy and we could feel the Spirit so strong. When the newly baptized man walked in, he was so happy to be in there with us. It was such an awesome experience!

So, all in all, it was an incredible week! Oh, and in other news, we gave Soeur Poznanski her car back and they gave us another one haha. I think that is all for this week!

I hope you all have an amazing week and that you make the most of it! Keep working hard and keep smiling!

Elder Daniel Anderson

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 58: Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

This last week was an interesting one, that's for sure! Not super super eventful, but still a good week!

On Monday we visited a recent convert who has been having trouble adapting to life as a member. Before, she had the missionaries who had taught her, but now they have left and she misses them. We visitied her and she is doing a lot better now! We reminded her of how much the Lord loves her and that the missionaries brought her the happiness that she has now and that she can't let it go to waste! She's been doing better yesterday at church :)

On Friday, we had our interviews with Président Poznanski and Sœur Poznanski, and they were great! After the interviews at the mission home, Président Poznanski asked us if we had gotten our car yet (when I moved to this area we were supposed to get a car). We said no, and then he and his wife asked "Well, then how are you going to get back to your apartment?" and we said "The train?" Well, they weren't too happy with that answer, so Sœur Poznanski gave us her car until we get one haha. The trick was, Président Poznanski asked if I had ever driven in the mission before and I said no, then he asked if I had ever driven a manuel before, and I said no again haha. So, a senior missionary hopped in the car with me, I spent about 20 minutes driving, then I had to watch a safe driving video, and then they sent us off! So, this last week I learned that an old dog CAN learn new tricks, because I got to learn how to drive a manuel transmission in Paris haha no stress! But hey, now I have a new skill that I can use for the rest of my life!

We've had to drive a decent amount since then too, so it's a good thing that we have the car! I also received a package this week! It actually got to France on October 31st (right on time for Halloween!) but I had been transferred. But I assure you that the candy is still delicious! Thank you so much Mom!

Well, it's starting to get cold here now, and that's not my favorite thing, but I'm surviving! I'm excited to see what miracles there are that I'm going to see!

I hope you all have an awesome week!

à la prochaine!

Elder Daniel Anderson

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 57: Versailles

Well, here I am in Versailles! It's a little crazy to be here haha I was a little surprised when I got transferred, but I'm super excited to be in Versailles! It was sad to leave Antony because I liked it a lot there, but I'm sure I'll see the people there again sometime!

Oh, here is my new mailing address:

Les Missionnaires
Elder Daniel Anderson
6, rue Romain Gary
78180 Montigny Les Bretonneux

So this last week actually started while I was still in Antony. Elder Lamb and I had gone to teach an ami last week and when we got to his house, there were missionaries from another church there. Our ami (his name is Djédjé Kohio, and he's from the Ivory Coast) didnt mean to plan it that way, but needless to say, it was a little awkward for everyone in the room haha.

Well, they had been there first, so we sat and listened to what they were teachin him, and then our ami asked us to share what we thought. Without bashing, we simply shared our beliefs and invited everyone to pray to know what the truth was. Everyone agreed on that, the lesson ended, and the other missionaries left. Then the ami came over to talk to us for a little bit. We talked and we told him that I would be moving to another city and he was a little sad, but he gave me his address and told me that I had to send him a wedding invitation when I get home haha. He then thanked us for coming and said how much he had appreciated the visit and set up a next rendezvous. Then a couple days later, we're in the apartment and our phone rings and it's Kohio! He said that he wanted to meet with us more often, because he wants to be baptized! He said that he knew that he wanted to be baptized and that he wanted to do it soon because he has no reason to wait. He knows what he needs to do and wants to be taught everything! It was such a miracle! We definitely thanked our Heavenly Father for that blessing!

Then on Tuesday I went on exchanges with Elder Nelson and we taught a couple awesome lessons. We had a great time! Then we went to pick up a couple missionaries from a train station in Paris who were going to be staying in our apartment that night. And then that night, I spent packing. On Wednesday I spent the day in a train station in Paris with Elder Lamb helping incoming missionaries from other cities know how to get to where they needed, and then once that was over I headed to Versailles with my new companion! Elder Jensen! He was actually my second district leader on the mission, and I went on exchanges with him in La Rochelle! Then he went to Charleroi at the same time as me! Then he got transferred to Antony, where I ended up replacing him, and now he's my companion! We've been around each other our whole missions! So we know each other well and it's going to be great!

Being in Versailles sure is different! There are 4 companionships of missionaries in the ward here, 3 senior couples, and then the mission president! We also will be driving a car soon, so that'll be another new adventure!

Yesterday there was a baptism here! It was so great! A couple months ago a man was baptized here and yesterday his wife was baptized! It was such an awesome experience for their family! And that is the best part of the gospel! That families can be together forever!

I know that I've been promising pictures for a long time, so here are some!

Patrick and me, and Gwendoline and Véronique in Charleroi
Our new mission car! I wish haha
The Van Hulst family!
Last meal at Patrick's house
Cool moon picture from the apartment during the day haha
Me and a lion haha classic, right?
The kids that got baptized while I was in Charleroi!
The parents of the kids haha the Tedesco family!
2 awesome guys from the other Charleroi ward
This is one of my buddies on the mission, Elder Paruahi. He's from Tahiti and this was just before he headed home.
It's amazing what you can find while helping people move...
 an old copy of monopoly in french that we also found haha
Me and Elder Anderson from my MTC group on our year mark!
Me at Sacré Coeur!
This is in one of the Paris church houses, it's the staircase that leads up to the YSA section haha pretty fancy!
Elder Lamb and I in front of the Eiffel Tower at night!
Eiffel Tower at night!
hai food! Thank you Soeur Ferrazza!
More Thai food! It was soo good!
I hope that makes up for the lack of pictures lately! I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween and an awesome week and that this next one is even better! Keep smiling!

Elder Daniel Anderson