Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 58: Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

This last week was an interesting one, that's for sure! Not super super eventful, but still a good week!

On Monday we visited a recent convert who has been having trouble adapting to life as a member. Before, she had the missionaries who had taught her, but now they have left and she misses them. We visitied her and she is doing a lot better now! We reminded her of how much the Lord loves her and that the missionaries brought her the happiness that she has now and that she can't let it go to waste! She's been doing better yesterday at church :)

On Friday, we had our interviews with Président Poznanski and Sœur Poznanski, and they were great! After the interviews at the mission home, Président Poznanski asked us if we had gotten our car yet (when I moved to this area we were supposed to get a car). We said no, and then he and his wife asked "Well, then how are you going to get back to your apartment?" and we said "The train?" Well, they weren't too happy with that answer, so Sœur Poznanski gave us her car until we get one haha. The trick was, Président Poznanski asked if I had ever driven in the mission before and I said no, then he asked if I had ever driven a manuel before, and I said no again haha. So, a senior missionary hopped in the car with me, I spent about 20 minutes driving, then I had to watch a safe driving video, and then they sent us off! So, this last week I learned that an old dog CAN learn new tricks, because I got to learn how to drive a manuel transmission in Paris haha no stress! But hey, now I have a new skill that I can use for the rest of my life!

We've had to drive a decent amount since then too, so it's a good thing that we have the car! I also received a package this week! It actually got to France on October 31st (right on time for Halloween!) but I had been transferred. But I assure you that the candy is still delicious! Thank you so much Mom!

Well, it's starting to get cold here now, and that's not my favorite thing, but I'm surviving! I'm excited to see what miracles there are that I'm going to see!

I hope you all have an awesome week!

à la prochaine!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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