Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 16: Winter Is Really Here

Well, I knew that it was inevitable. It finally snowed in Poitiers. What did I not expect? For the city of Poitiers to be like Houston haha the whole city shut down because of it! It was 2 or 3 inches, so it was more than in Houston, but still, all I can think about it my bro Markus changing the battery in his car with his friends in Idaho while standing on ice and it's -2° outside haha. It was -4° here the other day...but in Celsius haha so not too too bad.
Winter is here! Nothing we can't handle though haha
We woke up to the snow yesterday, on Sunday. We also got two calls from our Branch leaders, one saying that the buses were not running so church was canceled, and then a call that said that we, the missionaries, were going to be the only Priesthood holders that could make it to church, so they needed us to be there just in case someone showed up. That meant walking 4-5 miles to the church building in the snow! Yeeeuh buddy! It was quite the adventure haha we tried our best to make it a little fun. I also got to take this cool picture:

Some of you might have postcards with a similar picture, just taken in the summer haha
We made it to church, trudging through the snow, and alas, we were the only ones who were there haha. Oh well! We did some studying and watched President Uchtdorf's CES Devotional. It's really good, you should watch it if you havent! It's about finding out what truth is, and I really enjoyed it!

Earlier in the week, we met with our investigator David, and the lesson went really well. He mentioned how sometimes he felt like he shouldnt pray, or he felt like he couldnt pray, so I whipped out 2 Nephi 32:8-9 and we read it with him. I told him how I have the same feelings sometimes, but that this scripture helped me to overcome that and he really liked it. That was actually how we introduced him to the Book of Mormon, and he was really into it because he was already able to see how there is really good stuff in there! And there are way more gems in there than just that!

On Saturday we went to "Samedi Sports", which is where we play sports with youth and young adults and their friends. We played soccer of course, and so I wasn't the greatest, but not too shabby haha. Maybe practicing a little in the cultural hall in Katy with Terin Graham helped me out a little haha thanks for the lesson! Afterwards, we talked to a guy named Guy haha and he looked almost exactly like Markus' friend Montrel haha it was crazy! He was super cool and just so happens to be a rapper too haha and we'll be seeing him again next Saturday!

In other news this week, we were invited over to a member family's house, the Girard's, because Soeur Girard had made a cheescake for us because I had mentioned that I like cheesecake haha it was good too! Not exactly like American cheesecake, but not bad!

I also gave myself a haircut this week, for the first time in my life!

This is what missionary life does to you...
Had to throw the selfy pic in haha I think it came out okay!
My companion touched it up a bit for me to make sure I didnt look too whack, but hopefully all of you arent laughing too hard at my attempt at cutting my hair haha.
I'm going to La Rochelle again for exchanges tomorrow, so I'm pretty excited for that! Oh, and I learned a little piano this week, so I'm a little more musically talented than before. I prefer practicing guitar, but piano is good too haha.
I guess I'll leave you with something spiritual, and it is something that my Mom sent me this last week. You should all go look up Elder Holland's talk titled "Come unto Me" from the April 1998 Ensign. It's really really good! And let me know what you think of it!
Well, until next week! And always remember Joshua 1:9 and John 14:27!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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