Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 24: Rollercoaster Week

And I thought last week was crazy! I wasn't ready for this week! haha not really, but it sure was an interesting week!

As I said last week, I was supposed to go to a conference in Paris last week and one of the 70 was going to be there to help train the missionaries. Well, it ended up getting cancelled because of snow, so that was a little sad. It got moved to this week though, so I'm happy about that. It also worked out fairly well for us here in Poitiers, and I'll explain that in a bit!

This week we did a lot of contacting and knocking on doors. I know, that sounds like any other week that I've been here! The difference: we got let in. Twice. Say whaaaaat?! It was pretty awesome! You don't see that every day! But for real...haha

I'll start at the beginning of the week though haha remember in the last blog post when I mentioned how I talked to the brother of a member here, and he was a hip hop/rap music producer and really liked basketball? Well I talked to him about that for a little bit, and then we talked about what we (the missionaries) are doing here, why we're here, how we decided to come, etc. Then we had to leave. The member told us a few days later that after we left, he didnt talk to anyone else, that he just sat on the couch and was thinking and that it was obvious that something was on his mind. She was super thankful that we were able to connect and that he could see that we weren't weirdos and that the church is made up of ordinary people who want to be extraordinary! haha that's what it is! So that was nice to hear from here haha

So a little over a week ago, we contacted a guy on the street, and he was from Belgium, but the dutch speaking half. He spoke english though, so no problems haha. We talked to him for quite a while, and he seemed pretty interested. He had a lot of theories about how people should live, so I shared with him Mosiah 3:19, and he loved it. He looked at me and said "That touched me. You knew just what to show me." It was a great experience! We gave him a Book of Mormon and asked if we could get his address or phone number so we could meet another time and he said no, that if it was meant to be, then we would see each other again, and then he walked away. It was kind of sad to see him go, but we did what we could! 

Fast forward about 3 days, we're conacting in town and a lady comes walking right up to me, so I say hello and she sayd "I know this might be impolite, but can I have one of your books? You gave one to my friend the other day and he said it brought him good luck and he felt really good about it, so I read some of it and I would really like one for myself. I'm very interested." Caught us a little off guard! We asked her who her friend was, and of course, it was the same guy from a few days earlier! We asked if we could meet with them some time and she said yes, so we told her to have him call us. Then she walked away, and about 15 minutes later, he called us up. CRAZY. We met with them once, and she had read like 10 or more pages in the Book of Mormon and had read the entire pamphlet we gave her! Then after the meeting they said they would come to church. 

Sadly, they texted us in the middle of church and told us that they wouldn't be coming and they weren't interested anymore. It was sad! They even missed my companion and I performing in sacrament meeting! (We sang a "Be Still My Soul" haha) So, the whole experience with them was quite the rollercoaster, but maybe some day down the line they'll be interested again!

On Thursday the big Conference in Paris was cancelled, so we stayed here in Poitiers. I was kinda bummed! But, things worked out! We got invited in to a college guy's apartment to teach a lesson and he was very receptive! Then while we were walking to the bus, we contacted another guy and he invited us over and we taught another lesson! So, having the conference delayed a week worked out okay haha

Prince-Davy came to church with us this week and is doing really well! He asks a lot of questions, and that shows that he is truly interested and truly wants to find the answers to his questions! Good thing we've got 'em! Or at least we know that we can encourage him to ask Heavenly Father, who is really the one who knows the answers! Seriously, He does.

I was reading in the Book of Mormon this morning, and I thought I should share something. It is Mosiah 24:10-16, I think. The background is: There was a group of righteous people who were being controlled by a group of wicked people. They were being used as slaves and had to pay taxes to the wicked people. It says "So great were their afflictions that they began to cry mightily to God" and they "did pour out their hearts to him; and he did know the thoughts of their hearts." That's just like we should do when we are having hard times! Then the Lord answered them and said "Lift up your heads and be of good comfort...I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders...I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions." 

Then after the Lord said that, "it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren (The righteous people) were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord." The Lord wants to help us through our difficulties, we just need to ask! We need to have faith that He will help us, and do everything we can to make our situation better! He might not remove the difficulty, but He can also strengthen us so that we can make it through the difficulty, so that we are then stronger for when something else comes our way! He knows us better than we know ourselves!

Sorry for writing so much this week haha and for having just one picture!
 Prince-Davy drew this on the whiteboard for a little kid at church haha
I hope you're all doing awesome and loving life! Hopefully next week I'll have some incredible stories to tell!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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