Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Troisieme Semaine (Third Week)

You know the best part about being a missionary? Okay, maybe not the best part, but a super great part? Wearing the missionary tag. It's got my name on it! More importantly, it has the name of Jesus Christ (mine actually says Jésus-Christ) on it, which really changes the way you are. Before being on a mission, I honestly thought that it would be a little uncomfortable to be in public and being that upfront about my beliefs. You literally have them posted on your chest! Then I went to San Francisco. What an experience! I even surprised myself! I was more open and interested in talking to people than I was before! I thought it would be difficult, but the Lord strengthened my weaknesses, and showed me that I can do this! Another thing I learned is that not being able to wear my missionary tag is a terrible experience. I love having this tag! I'm so glad I have it! 

As I thought about it though, I should live my life, no matter what, in a way that is like I have a missionary tag on my chest. People should be able to tell that I'm LDS! Just taking off the missionary tag doesnt mean you get to hide and blend into the crowd. You can make a difference, no matter who you are or what your circumstances are! Anyone can invite others to come unto Christ, share their beliefs, do what they know is right. That's something that I've noticed with some of my friends that I have back in Texas. They did what was right and they set a good example for others, even if the situation might be a little awkward. Romans 1:16! Live by it!

We watched a recorded Devotional that was given by Elder Holland years ago, and it was an amazing devotional! One part he mentioned was a poem that basically said

"Come to the edge" he said.
"No I'll fall"
"Come to the edge!" he said.
"No I'll fall"
"Come to the EDGE!" he said.
I went to the edge. He pushed me,
And I flew.

The point of the poem that Elder Holland made was that "Man's extremity is God's opportunity." When we push ourselves to our absolute max, God will know that we have done everything we can, and He will help us reach greater heights. For example, if you were running, and you pushed yourself as hard as you thought you could, and didnt think you could go any further, but then you break through that barrier and get the best run in since the beginning of summer, that's like how God can help us power through our trials and questions that we might have. It's incredible!

The poem is actually a translation from a French poem, so if someone wants to send me the French version that would be awesome!

An interesting note, my district has turned into an acapella group. No joke. We're pretty good too! We get quite a few compliments from around the MTC...never thought I'd be involved in something like that did you?! haha

Also, I got my first handwritten letter yesterday, October 22, 2012. It was a VERY special day! I LOVE all the letters I get, but there is just something about a handwritten letter!
Everyone, keep up the good work. Never stop improving!

Elder Daniel Anderson

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