Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week Deux!

No vacation this week. Stayed at MTC. They feed me on occasion. Surviving. Letters from the outside world are helping me stay sane. I'm sending my love to all those who have written.

Okay, so I'm doing fantastic! No, I didn't have a vacation this week, but my week was still awesome! We started teaching a new "investigator" (l'ami de l'eglise) and his name is Juan. He's from Mexico. Strange scenario, right? Who cares! We teach everyone and anyone! But of course, he speaks French just like one of my instructors here...weird haha. Anyways, yes they feed me! It's all you can eat! And I've still lost weight...don't worry Mom, I'm not so stressed that I don't eat or anything! I'm just trying to eat slightly healthy...but with out the same workout regiment, the little muscles I had are starting to go! Okay not really, but I'm gonna have to start hitting the push ups, sit ups, and pull ups hard so that people still recognize me when I get home! I'd rather not walk off the plane, into the airport, towards the welcome home party, and no one recognize me...I'm sure a few still would though haha.

Letters from the outside world are helping me stay sane. That's no joke! Not that I'm going insane, but sometimes I get stressed out a little, or worried about people, and it's always great to here how they are doing. Even if it's not always that they're the happiest they've ever been. Does that sound weird? I just love knowing how people are really doing. Maybe it's the missionary in me! I want to help everyone and invite them to come unto Christ! That's where true happiness is. So, don't be afraid to write me because you think I might have too much to read or too much going on. I LOVE THEM. I love all the letters!  So yes, I am definitely sending my love to all those who have written to me :) I want to read it all! So when in doubt, write!

So since being here at the MTC, I've seen or met with President Brown, President Brady (yeah!), President Zimbelman, Brother Mangum, and Brother Harward. They all remembered me and they all were so excited to see me! And I was excited to see them! There are some more details to each one of those stories, so if you're interested, you can write me and ask about it ;) haha. Oh, also, one of the teachers for french here seems to recognize me haha a couple days ago she said hi to me and asked how I was doing in a way that I'm sure she remembers haha. Oh, and this older lady who looked at my immunizations sheet (which I did not bring with me, so I told the lady "Uh...I think I'm already in the system...I'm just came back) was so excited for me! She was really nice haha. So my companion thinks I'm a celebrity or something haha.

Our district plays volleyball together everyday for gym, so I've gotten alright at it. At least, good enough for the elders to duck and cover when I spike it haha multiple people have come up and asked where I played at before my mission...uh, black light volleyball and after Institute? haha I just thought I'd toot my own horn a bit haha

My district was blown away when they found out how old I am haha that was pretty funny! My district is completely different than the last one. If you want some details, then write me haha I'm running out of time here!

While I've been here at the MTC, a ton of praying has been going on. Fo real. Praying for people here, praying for the people I'll be teaching, praying for people back home, praying praying praying. And you know something that I've learned a lot about? That prayers are answered. Without a doubt. We just have to keep our eyes open, and we will see the hand of the Lord in our lives.

Did you know, when you watch the Little Mermaid in French, that the chef is Italian, instead of French? We didnt watch it, that's just a tidbit that our teacher told us haha

Oh, another interesting tidbit. So, my companion is from England. Guess who his young men's president is. Martin Reed. Say whaaaaaaaaaaat! Crazy.

We watched "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" on Sunday night. It's an incredible movie. Go watch it, I'm pretty sure it's on the church website. Then write me and let me know what you think :)"We're not just building the Lord a temple, the Lord is building us." and "Perhaps I am meant to swim in deep water. Better deep than shallow." were just a couple of many amazing lines. The Spirit felt during that movie is incredible!
Lastly, a very dear friend of mine challenged me this last week to go up to the first person I saw, and talk to them for a few minutes and get to know them. Well, the challenge was accepted, and dominated. So that person will have a challenge coming right back at them when they get the letter that I write to them today! Not only did I get to know that one person more (Elder Johnson from Holladay, UT) but I've gotten to know many more people. Not that I wasn't a friendly person before, but I was a little reserved. That's not how missionaries are! So now, I try to be a friend to everyone I meet :) But of course, these new peeps aren't going to replace the incredible friends that I have already :)

Well, I gotta wrap it up! I hope everyone is doing fantastic! Spread the Gospel!

Keep your head up and keep smiling :)

Elder Anderson

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