Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 19: Time For Service

So, this last week was pretty excellenté! (That's not French haha) The transfer is coming to an end, and so this Saturday I'll see whether I stay or go! And same for my companion haha. I'm thinking I'm gonna stay, but since he only has 2 transfers left, I think he's gonna partir and finish his mission somewhere else. But who knows! Anything could happen!

So this last week we were invited over to a members house for lunch, and it was a lot of fun! We'd been over there a bunch of times and we know the family really well. They have a son who is mentally disabled, and so I finally brought up that I had volunteered at Camp Journey and how much I loved it! I showed her pictures on my camera (and then she wanted to see all the pictures on my camera, so we had fun with that haha she wanted to know all about certain people in the pictures haha) and she was so surprised and so excited about how great the system is for children like her son. It's not like that here in France, but she's trying to make it better! It made me miss Texas to talk about it so much, but that's okay!

The other day we went to an investigators (or "amis") house for an appointment (rendez-vous, or RDV) and it turned out he had to cancel, so on our way back down the street, we ran in to one of our other amis, Madame Bru! She was walking to the pharmacy with her walker and stopped to wave us over with a huge smile on her face haha she's super nice! It really brightened our day too! When you're always surrounded by people who kind of look at you funny, it's always nice to see a smiling familiar face! I've never been someone who does this, but if any of you see or run into any missionaries during the day, wave and say hi to them! Trust me, it can lift their spirits a lot!

The other day around noon, we were contacting in centreville (downtown) and we contacted a man who told us that he was going to spend time with his friend who is paraplegic, but he spent a little time talking to us, and said he would be cool with talking another time. Then that night, while knocking doors in a completely different part of town, a man in a wheelchair answered the door (they were also blasting Nirvana in the apartment and we could hear it from outside haha) and we started talking to him, and then his friend, the man we had talked to earlier that day, came out from the living room and was super surprised! To us it seemed like a miracle or a signe, but to them it seemed kind of creepy hahaha but they still kind of thought it was a cool coincidence!

On Saturday we helped a member family move to another part of town, and it took all day. We pretty much got it all done though! They were super thankful for our help, having 2 young guys there to help made it go quite a bit faster haha. They lived out in the country before, and they moved to a different part of the country with more wooded areas. I really like the area! It reminded me of being home and close to things like that. I live in the city nowadays! A small city, but still downtown. So it's nice to be out and about!

Waddup! Camp Journey Represent! Camp Journey goes global!
A little more "hilly" than Texas, but still the country! "I had a bbq stain on my white t-shirt" :)
 Just some random old church out in the middle of no where haha
This is the house the family was moving to, it was pretty cool!
So, that was my week! We're going to try and find a ton of amis this week (like every week haha) but we have a few big plans, so stay tuned for next week, because I'll let you know how it goes! I hope everyone is doing awesome, keeping their heads up, smiling, and being the best they can be!
à la prochaine!

Elder Daniel Anderson

1 comment:

  1. Hey Elder!
    Looking good and love your service project!
    Keep up the work.
    Love you,
    Sis A
