Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 18: Interviews

It seems like I travel every week haha I'm always getting on trains that wiz past the French countryside just so I can get to meetings that last a few hours. I'm definitely not complaining! I think it's awesome. haha

This week we had zone conference in Angers, and we also had interviews with Président Poznanski and Soeur Poznanski. It was really great! I learned a ton at zone conference about how to teach better and just be a better missionary in general, and then I had my interviews. They were all completely in French, and it was no problemo! I can understand stuff pretty well, the speaking part is a little difficult, but it'll come. And that's what they told me too haha. Soeur Poznanski also told us about how to teach with more conviction and power by having enthusiasm, bearing testimony, and sharing personal experiences. It just makes sense! Those are the things that people always love about General Conference! And that is how we can invite the Spirit into our conversations and lesson. So if you're ever talking to some friends and the Gospel comes up, try those things out! Be enthusiastic, let them know that you lvoe the Gospel! And bear testimony that you know it is true by the experiences that you've had! That's my challenge for you this week haha :)

In other knews this week, after playing soccer this last Saturday morning, we were at a members house and they fed us! And they treated my and I got the tail end of a fish haha and they really meant it as a treat! It was pretty good haha and they also gave us some rabbit and escargot to take home and eat that night, so I'm still getting to eat new things!

The label on this at the grocery store is simply "Animal Meat" haha all the other types of meat were labeled, but this one is mystery meat!
If you've ever received a letter or package from me, this is where you got it from!
This is the Post Office here in Poitiers haha pretty fancy!

Oh, and I also found out that my branch president here is a pompier (firefighter)! Pretty sweet haha
So, I have a few scriptures to share, and y'all can look them up and study them haha
DC 121:9
Psalm 55:22
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." How true is that?!

No matter how hard things get, we can always fall back on the love and guidance and comfort that the Savior can bring. He can strengthen us through any trial, and I know that is true.
So, I have a friend. And we have a study journal. It's awesome and I love it! But I've held on to it for a while and I feel bad about it! But they told me when they sent it to me to study Alma 22. One of the things I found, that I thought of that was a gem when I found it, was in Alma 22:14, It explains all that Christ's Atonement does for us, even after this life, and it says:
"He breaketh the bands of death, that the grave shall have no victory, and that the sting of death should be swallowed up in the hopes of glory."

Heavenly Father truly loves us and has a plan for us. I know it's true, and I know that we can all have faith and confidence in that. Always remember that :)

Elder Daniel Anderson

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